Automated Connector Tester

GCI's Automated Connector Tester is a self-contained test bench providing reliable testing of filtered and non-filtered electrical connectors.
The ACT automates the tedious process of testing each pin against all others and shell for DC and AC leakage. For filter connectors, the ACT accurately measures pin-to-shell capacitance. For pins protected by diodes, the ACT provides leakage and breakdown measurements. The ACT also verifies pins which are intentionally shorted to each other or to the shell.

The ACT provides an easy-to-use graphical interface for test plan definition and operation. It includes troubleshooting options to assist in locating shorts and faults between pins and the shell. It also provides a mode to identify incorrectly shorted pins.
The ACT integrates off-the-shelf test instruments from Quadtech and Keithley with a GCI 150-point multiplexer. The GCI multiplexer's over-sized high-voltage relays promote high reliability. Its modular construction provides expansion for up to 250 test points. Plug-in test fixtures provide interchangeable test adapters. The user interface consists of a 15″ flat-panel monitor, keyboard and mouse.